
Creator of UXcomic

I create weekly an UX comic on Linkedin.
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Personal work

Check my Instagram for more personal work @bentebakcom

Client work


Create 6 marketing illustrations that captures the essence of Azkua's gentle programme. Grabbing the attention with a wink and a smile. ‍

NN Group (Nationale Nederlanden)

Create illustrations for the NN Innovation method Playbook.

NN Booster sprints

Make an enticing visual explaining the services of Booster, innovation agency within NN. I was co-founder of this team in NN.

Blue dog software

Create an animated movie explaining the software product.

Centrum voor Architectuur en Stedebouw Tilburg (CAST)

Visualize 2 concepts from the design challenge ‘out of the box’ exploring and adressing the rise of logistic focused architecture in the South of Netherlands.

Contact Bente